- Common Causes & Symptoms Of Traumatic Brain Injuries
- How A Manhattan Beach Brain Injury Lawyer Can Help
More than 50,000 people die every year in the U.S. as a result of traumatic brain injuries, or TBI. Additionally, there are more than 235,000 hospitalizations and 435,000 emergency room visits related to brain injuries. For those who suffer these types of injuries as the result of an accident caused by negligence, a Manhattan Beach brain injury lawyer can help recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages and more.
Common Causes & Symptoms Of Traumatic Brain Injuries
There are many types of accidents that can result in a TBI. The most common accidents include:
- Falls: This includes slip and fall injuries as well as falls from heights, such as off ladders, roofs or scaffolding at work. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 28% of traumatic brain injuries are caused by fall accidents.
- Vehicle accidents: Car accidents, motorcycle accidents and truck accidents can cause a jarring impact to the head that can lead to a traumatic brain injury. 20% of TBIs are caused by vehicle accidents.
- Falling objects: These injuries often occur in the workplace as the result of tools or other objects falling and striking the victim in the head. “Struck by” accidents are responsible for 19% of traumatic brain injuries.
After an accident, some symptoms to watch for that may indicate a brain injury include:
- Dizziness
- Diminished hearing, sight or taste
- Slurred speech
- Paralysis
- Inability to speak or convey specific thoughts
- Change in ability to focus on thoughts
- Persistent drowsiness or inability to sleep
- Chronic head pain
- Sudden mood swings
- Nausea
It’s important to get evaluated for possible brain injuries as soon as possible after an accident, because these injuries can have a dramatic impact on a person’s life. The sooner treatment begins the greater the possibility of reducing the long-term impact.
Traumatic brain injuries can affect the victim’s cognitive abilities, which includes memory, decision making and reasoning abilities. The areas of the brain that control sensory functions can also be affected, causing changes in hearing, vision, touch and sight.
TBI can also affect a person’s communication skills and cause emotional problems such as depression, aggression and anxiety.
How A Manhattan Beach Brain Injury Lawyer Can Help
The brain is the functional center of the body. The cost of treating traumatic brain injuries is extremely high and those costs are likely to continue for the rest of the victim’s life. Getting compensation for your injury is critical to helping you through the recovery process and with any expenses that will continue during your lifetime.
A Manhattan Beach brain injury lawyer at the Law Offices of Scott Dinsmore, APC can help you seek financial compensation for:
- Past and future medical bills
- Lost wages
- Lost earning capacity
- Rehabilitation
- Pain and suffering
If you suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, contact us today for a free consultation.